Teaching Research Day
Once a year, the student research projects that are curricularly located in the Bachelor's and Master's programs of the department are presented to and discussed by the department's public and invited external guests at the Teaching Research Day. In doing so, the boundaries of the degree programs are crossed and interdisciplinary discourses are made possible. The Teaching Research Day thus offers students an opportunity to present their research projects to the departmental public. At the same time, students and lecturers are given the opportunity not only to deal with current questions and research in their own discipline, but also to get to know research projects from other disciplines. In addition to the thematic diversity, the Teaching Research Day also offers the chance to gain insight into different qualitative and quantitative research methods. The department is convinced that not only individual projects generate scientific knowledge. It is precisely the diversity of different projects that generates shared knowledge and fertilizes scientific discourse.
The Teaching Research Day takes place regularly towards the end of the year. External guests may attend by invitation. If you are interested in the Teaching Research Day, please contact the Research Assistant.