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Maria Diedrich

Research Assistant Master's Degree in Social Work

Sociologist M.A.


 C1.242   +49 (0) 621/5203-556
  +49 (0) 621/5203-569

maria.diedrich@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Office hours by appointment

Teaching areas

Module: Projects in Social Work Practice and Research (SoSe21-WiSe2021/22)
Module: Focus Study: Social Work with Offenders and their Environment (WiSe 2020/21)
Module: Socioeconomic Foundations of Social Work (SoSe 2017 - SoSe 2020)

Work and research focus

  • Social work and neo-Nazism, racism, anti-Semitism
  • Migration and democracy
  • Work conflicts
  • Dissertation Project: Agent of Democracy? On the Relationship between Social Work and "Right-Wing Extremism


Diedrich, Maria; Erxleben, Paul (2023): Counseling needs in contested terrain. Mobile counseling, social conflict and corona protests, in: Mayer, Marion; Bringt, Friedemann; Lehnert, Esther; Warrach, Nora (eds.): Beratung zu Rechtsextremismus und Demokratiegefährdung. Concepts - Challenges - Intersectional Perspectives, Weinheim, pp. 138-149.

Diedrich, Maria (2023): Of "anti-fascism" and "bald care", "interfaces" and conflict. Social work and right-wing movements, in: Contradictions, H. 167, pp. 41-53.

Diedrich, Maria (2022): Democracy against right-wing violence. Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus" in the context of authoritarian mobilizations, in: Leviathan, Special Volume 39 "Demokratie und Migration", pp. 352-373 (double blind peer review).

Bareis, Ellen; Diedrich, Maria; Kaiser, Nadja; Erxleben, Paul (2021): Final report of the project on the restructuring of MBR in RLP, Stadt, Land, Quartier - Forschungsstelle Soziale Arbeit, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Ludwigshafen/Rhine.

Diedrich, Maria (2020): Preventing extremism vs. promoting democracy? Social work in the conflict over right-wing extremism, in: Siegen : Sozial, H. 1, pp. 4-13.

Bewernitz, Torsten; Diedrich, Maria (2020): "Wilder" Streik als Praxis der Bürgerschaft, in: Contradictions, H. 156, pp. 71-84.

Quent, Matthias (2016): Right-wing extremism and civic engagement in the migration crisis: situation and resource analysis for the Saale-Holzland district, Institute for Democracy and Civil Society Jena. (collaboration)

Diedrich, Maria (2013): Zur Einführung, in: Schmalz, Stefan; Dörre, Klaus (eds.): Comeback der Gewerkschaften. Power resources, innovative practices, international perspectives, Frankfurt/Main, pp. 273-275.

Working Group Strategic Unionism (2013): Jenaer Machtressourcenansatz 2.0, in: Schmalz, Stefan; Dörre, Klaus: Comeback der Gewerkschaften. Power resources, innovative practices, international perspectives, Frankfurt/Main, pp. 345-375.

Reviews, media contributions, fragments:

Interview, in: "Was hilft gegen Rechtsextremismus", SWR Das Wissen, 30.7.2024. https://www.swr.de/swrkultur/wissen/was-hilft-gegen-rechtsextremismus-wie-zivilgesellschaft-funktioniert-das-wissen-2024-07-31-102.html

Erxleben, Paul and Maria Diedrich 2023: "Right-wing extremism: extremely commonplace. Right-wing extremism research and social work sought dialog to counteract right-wing violence and ideology", in: nd aktuell, 17 February 2023. https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1171064.soziale-arbeitrechtsextremismus-extrem-alltaeglich.html

Diedrich, Maria (2022): Gegenöffentlichkeit als Praxis von Bildung, about: Friedemann Affolderbach: Public sphere from below. Demokratie, Öffentlichkeit und politische Bildung, in: Contradictions, Issue 164, pp. 119-122.

Diedrich, Maria (2021): Please queue at the bottom? via: Dörre, Klaus (2020): In the queue. Arbeiter*innen und die radikale Rechte, in: express, H. 2/2021. The review is available here.

Conferences and lectures (selection)

Between "interfaces" and "anti-fascism". On the relationship between social work and right-wing movements. Lecture, University of Bielefeld, Institute of Educational Science, Working Group Social Pedagogy, event series "Antidemocratic Landnahme in der Sozialen Arbeit", 16.10.2023.

On the potential of the concept of conflict for a critique of social work as critical social work, National Conference of Young DBSH, Mainz, 14.10.2023.

Social work in conflict. Reflections on problematization processes of "right-wing extremism" between "democracy promotion" and "extremism prevention", AG: Konjunkturen von 'Rechtsextremismus' und Ideologien der Ungleichwertigkeit' als Konjunkturen sozialpädagogischer Professionalität?, Annual Conference of the Commission for Social Pedagogy of the German Society for Educational Science, 18 March 2021.

"Welcome culture" and right-wing conjunctures. Different sides of the same conflict?, Workshop: Zwischen Willkommenskultur und Restriktion: Migrationsdiskurse im und nach dem langen Sommer der Migration, July 3, 2020, Humboldt University Berlin.

"Agent of democracy? Zum Verhältnis von Sozialer Arbeit und "Rechtsextremismus" - Dissertation Project", Research Day, Department of Social and Health Care, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, June 14, 2019.

"Social work and the extreme right. Normalization or actor against the right?", kriSo conference: Gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse und Kritische Soziale Arbeit, Vienna, November 24, 2017.


Scientific and professional career

July 2021 - December 2021

Team consultation in the project "Restructuring of Mobile Counseling for Right-Wing Extremism (MBR) in Rhineland-Palatinate"

From July 2019

Doctoral candidate in the Department of Education, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main

From Sept. 2016

Research Assistant, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Ludwigshafen/Rhine

March 2016 - October 2016

Research assistant, situation and resource analysis, Partnership for Democracy, Saale-Holzland district

March 2014 - August 2016

Project management "Demokratieladen", Bildungswerk BLITZ e.V., Kahla, Stadtroda

Feb. 2012 - January 2014

Research assistant, Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Department of Sociology of Labor, Economics and Industry; Department of General and Theoretical Sociology

2010 - 2013

Sociology (M.A.), Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller University. Jena

Contact us

Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Dallmann

Profile picture Hans-Ulrich Dallmann


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 1.241+49 621 5203-553+49 621 5203-569

Prof. Dr. Monika Greening

Monika Greening


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 1.175+49 621 5203-584+49 621 5203-569

Prof. Dr. Andrea Lutz-Kluge


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 1.240+49 621 5203-543+49 621 5203-569