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Extra courses: Digital, Languages, and more.

Are you studying at HWG Ludwigshafen and want to learn a little more in addition to your degree programs...
... broaden your horizons?
... get to know and practice additional skills and techniques?
... make your application for internships or job entry even more interesting by demonstrating extra skills?

HWG Ludwigshafen will support you!

Every semester, you will find selected courses from the extensive range offered by our partner, the University of Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH.

Under certain regulations, completed courses from our selection are completely or partially free of charge for students of HWG Ludwigshafen!

On this page you can learn more about the course selection and the possible reimbursement of the participation fee.

Status: 22.01.2025

Only selected extra courses are funded:
HWG Ludwigshafen will only cover all or part of the participation fees for extra courses that are selected in advance by HWG Ludwigshafen for the respective semester and displayed on the HWG Ludwigshafen website.

Funding is only available if the Mannheim conditions for a certificate of attendance are met:
The attendance fees will only be covered in full or in part if the attendance requirements have been met in order to receive a certificate of attendance from the University of Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH, as set out in their general terms and conditions. From 01.02.2025, participants in a course consisting of 24 teaching units (TU) must be present for at least 18 TU in order to receive a certificate of attendance (1 TU = 45 minutes); for all courses with fewer than 24 TU, participants must be present for the entire duration of the course in order to receive a certificate of attendance. The University of Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH will automatically confirm attendance to HWG Ludwigshafen.
The University of Mannheim Service and Marketing GmbH will not accept any claims for payment due to non-attendance or non-compliance with deregistration deadlines. Please be sure to observe the provisions in the General Terms and Conditions of Universität Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH.

Pre-registration with HWG Ludwigshafen is required:
HWG Ludwigshafen will only cover the participation fee (in full or pro rata) if participants have registered via OpenOlat prior to registration.

First come, first served:
A limited budget is available to cover the costs of participation fees; possible cost coverage is based on the order of pre-registration with HWG Ludwigshafen until the budget is exhausted. Once the budget is exhausted, pre-registration for the semester is no longer possible.

1 extra course per student per semester:
A maximum of one selected course per student per semester is financially supported by HWG Ludwigshafen in full or in part. Additional extra courses taken by the same person in the same semester will not be financially supported.

Selected non-language courses are free of charge:
Participation fees for courses selected in advance by the HWG Ludwigshafen, which are not language courses, are fully covered on the basis of the aforementioned conditions.

For selected language courses, students pay a personal contribution of 33.00 euros:
Participation fees for language courses pre-selected by the HWG Ludwigshafen are covered proportionately on the basis of the aforementioned conditions: Participating students of HWG Ludwigshafen pay a personal contribution of 33.00 euros.

Step 1: Select Extra Course
From the extra courses below, select a course that is suitable for you.

Step 2: Pre-register with HWG Ludwigshafen
Please register for your selected Extra course using the link "Pre-registration". The link will take you to an OpenOlat course room. When the course room opens, you will need to confirm HWG Ludwigshafen's terms and conditions for full or pro-rata payment of course fees. You can then register for one of the extra courses displayed. Please note: With successful pre-registration you are not yet registered for the course!

Step 3: Read registration confirmation e-mail
After successful pre-registration with HWG Ludwigshafen, you will receive an e-mail with course registration information.

Step 4: Course registration and booking at the University of Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH
The actual course registration is done via the portal and according to the conditions of the University of Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH. You will receive the link to the portal as well as further information with the registration confirmation from HWG Ludwigshafen.

Step 5: Participate in the extra course and complete
Participate in the extra course and benefit from the additional course offer! If you have met the attendance requirements to receive a certificate of attendance from the University of Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH as stated in their terms and conditions , this will be automatically confirmed by the University of Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH to HWG Ludwigshafen. For a non-language course you will not receive an invoice (the participation fee will be paid by the university). For a language course you will receive an invoice from the Universität Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH for your own contribution of 33,00 Euro (the rest will be paid by your university).

Here you will find the "non-language courses" selected for the summer semester 2025.

Subject to the above conditions, participation in one of these "non-language courses" may be free of charge for HWG Ludwigshafen students.

Please note: The course descriptions reflect the status as of January 2025 and are for orientation purposes only. They will not be updated on this page. After confirming your pre-registration, please be sure to check the course dates on the registration page of the University of Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH. There you will also find the regular price of the course.

Here you will find the language courses selected for the summer semester 2025.

If the above-mentioned conditions are met, HWG Ludwigshafen will pay a share of the participation fee and students of HWG Ludwigshafen will pay a personal contribution of 33.00 euros.

Please also note the language courses offered by the International Office of the HWG Ludwigshafen. The courses offered by the International Office are subject to their own registration, participation and financing conditions, which can be found on the International Office website.

Please note: The course descriptions reflect the status as of January 2025 and serve as a guide. They will not be updated on this page. Once you have confirmed your pre-registration, please check the course dates on the registration page of the University of Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH, where you will also find the regular price of the course.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Departments of Studies and Education
Mail: studium-lehre@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de