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Relief activities for Ukraine

The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society strives to support all students, academics and employees who are affected by the current situation in Ukraine.

On this page, all those who are affected by the current emergency, or those who would like to support, can find offers of help and support, not only in the Ludwigshafen area.

We try to keep the page as up-to-date as possible.


The University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen is clearly committed to internationality - and thus to openness and respectful interaction with one another. Our solidarity and solidarity goes out to all those who have been distressed by the shocking events of the last few weeks. In particular, we are thinking of our Ukrainian students and staff, their families in Ukraine and our colleagues and friends at our Ukrainian partner universities, but also of all those around the world who are peacefully campaigning for a swift end to violence and freedom of expression.

Experiencing how fragile our European values of peace, freedom and democracy are is an extremely depressing experience, especially for us.

This makes it all the more important for us to support refugees and fugitives from Ukraine, regardless of their nationality. All of our international students and applicants should feel welcome at our university.

Refugee students and prospective students already have the option of joining ongoing German courses, taking part in digital courses and excursions together with international exchange students, as well as a wide range of advisory services on study opportunities.

From the beginning of September, applicants or career changers from Ukraine can take part in study preparation/study entry programmes for the winter semester 22/23.

The war in Ukraine continues unabated. Thousands of people are fleeing the combat zones every day, including many young people. Immediately after the fighting began, Rhineland-Palatinate took measures to support Ukrainian students. Newly arrived Ukrainians should also be quickly integrated into the university system. An 8-point plan has been developed for this purpose. "We have prepared ourselves for the refugee situation. The universities are opening up to people and doing everything possible to alleviate suffering and promote the progress of young people in higher education," said Science Minister Clemens Hoch. The German Rectors' Conference expects up to 100,000 refugee Ukrainian students and researchers throughout Germany.

"The universities in Rhineland-Palatinate have made good preparations at their campuses. In the short term, it is initially about providing help in special emergency situations. Our long-term goal is to integrate these young people into our universities, to train them and to recruit clever people for the state. I am pleased to see the solidarity with which the university family in the state is standing together here," said Prof. Dr. Michael Jäckel, Chairman of the State University Presidents' Conference (LHPK), describing the measures taken by the state's universities and colleges.

The 8-point plan, based on a university funding program, is entitled "Wissen. Creates. Peace". The following measures are to be taken to support Ukrainian students and researchers at universities in Rhineland-Palatinate:


1.         Qualification for university entrance

Resources are to be expanded in order to check and determine the subject-specific requirements of incoming students - in short: the qualification for university entrance. This is done on the basis of certificates and academic records, which are often available digitally in Ukraine. Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz are in charge of this task for the entire country, as the two international preparatory colleges are located here. As a rule, the international preparatory colleges provide foreign students who are applying to study at a university or university of applied sciences and whose higher education entrance qualification obtained abroad is not equivalent to a German higher education entrance qualification with the additional subject and language requirements necessary for successful study. The Ministry of Science will make funds available to each of the two universities in the short term to increase staffing levels.


2.         Breaking down language barriers

The teaching of German up to level C1 university is supported. The universities can already draw on structures here, such as language teaching centers. We will provide funds from our budget to quickly finance additional language teachers if necessary.


3.         Safe accommodation

Further offers such as the creation of living space in the form of short-term shared accommodation in larger university halls (especially sports halls) are being prepared. Universities are already in contact with the districts and independent cities in this regard. The student unions are also actively supporting the stakeholders.


4.         Initiating trauma management

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, the University of Koblenz-Landau and the University of Trier have set up a psychosocial support service to help traumatized refugees in particular.


5.         Mastering everyday life together through sponsorships

Arriving in everyday life is easier if you are not alone. Sponsorship programs are designed to make it easier to cope with the many everyday challenges (e.g. bank, pharmacy, authorities). Students in particular show an enormous willingness to help, as do university staff. The university management coordinates the activities on site.


6.         Showing offers and perspectives

A Science Convention, which is currently being organized by the universities, provides refugees with an overview of study opportunities, advisory services, admisson requirements and career prospects, and they get to know contact persons at the universities.


7.         Using business contacts

Cooperation and contacts between universities and regional companies should be used to arrange internships or working student jobs. In the medium and long term, this also serves to attract many bright minds to the state.


8.         Continuation of the emergency aid fund

If more funds are needed than the 150,000 euros already provided, the state will increase the emergency aid fund. This will be supplemented by financial aid from the Studierendenwerke for enrolled students in the form of cash grants and free tables.

Background: Through the Rhineland-Palatinate Scholarship Foundation, the state is providing funds amounting to 150,000 euros to support students at universities and colleges in Rhineland-Palatinate in financial emergencies arising from the war in Ukraine. The main aim is to support students with Ukrainian citizenship, but in individual cases also other international students who are directly affected by the effects of the war. It is aimed at students who are already enrolled at universities and colleges in Rhineland-Palatinate, but also those who have fled and would like to continue their studies here. Financial support is available in the form of short-term scholarships and one-off payments. It can be applied for immediately. For example, the loss of previous other support or additional costs can be covered and unplanned stays at our universities can be supported. The funds can be applied for unbureaucratically at the relevant colleges and universities at which the students are enrolled or planning to enrol. For this purpose, the emergency situation and the resulting need for support must be briefly described. In addition, proof of enrolment, nationality and residence status must be provided for approval.

"So far, the demand at the individual locations is still manageable and easy to organize. The universities are very supportive and students are organizing and helping out. I am very grateful to all those involved. Supporting people who are in need and helping beyond the neighborhood - that is Rhineland-Palatinate," says Clemens Hoch. Should the demand for the emergency aid fund or for support services in the higher education sector increase in the coming days and weeks, the Minister believes that the universities are well prepared.

Contact persons and detailed information on the procedure for the emergency aid fund can be found on the corresponding websites of the state's colleges and universities, which can be found here: https://www.stipendienstiftung-rlp.de/hochschulen/

Questions about the program can be directed to the Scholarship Foundation's office: https://www.stipendienstiftung-rlp.de/geschaeftsstelle/

The German Academic Exchange Service DAAD offers HERE information for a first orientation in Germany and especially about the German higher education and research system. On the website you will find information for Ukrainians on staying, studying and researching in Germany as well as support services in Ukrainian, German and English .

Information for refugees and volunteers

A bilingual website provides information for refugees and volunteers in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in Ukrainian and in German: www.ukraine.rlp.de/de

Emergency fund

Through the Rhineland-Palatinate Scholarship Foundation, the state provides funds amounting to 150,000 euros to support students at universities and colleges in Rhineland-Palatinate in financial emergencies resulting from the war in Ukraine.
The main aim is to support students with Ukrainian citizenship, but in individual cases also other international students who are directly affected by the consequences of the war.

Contact persons and detailed information on how to proceed with the emergency fund can be found on the corresponding websites of the country's universities, which can be found here: https://www.stipendienstiftung-rlp.de/hochschulen/

Questions about the programme can be directed to the Scholarship Foundation's office: https://www.stipendienstiftung-rlp.de/geschaeftsstelle/


Refugee students and prospective students already have the option of joining ongoing German courses, taking part in teaching formats and excursions together with international exchange students. A wide range of counselling services on study opportunities is also available.

Further language courses and English-language courses are in preparation. Among other things, we are planning a German-Ukrainian tandem programme for informal language teaching and establishing contacts.

Please contact us by email at the following address International@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de.

German courses and teaching formats

Refugee students and prospective students already have the option of joining ongoing German courses, participating in teaching formats and excursions together with international exchange students. There is also a wide range of advice on study options available.

Please contact us by email at International@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de.

Financial Support

The International Office can provide one-time financial support to international students in financial need. The support is provided within the framework of the scholarship foundation of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and does not have to be repaid.
The emergency aid fund of the university's booster club also supports international students in financial emergencies.
For more information, see: https://www.hwg-lu.de/international/auslaendische-studierende-an-der-hochschule/hilfe-in-notlagen

General questions about the programme can be addressed to the Scholarship Foundation's office: www.stipendienstiftung-rlp.de/geschaeftsstelle/

Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre

At the Ludwigshafen location, we cooperate with the very experienced psychological counselling centre (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim, which has been in existence for many years. More information is available here.

First point of contact:
Karin Kraft / Monika Riffner-Schopp
Telephon: 0621 49072-555

In case of urgent assistance: The telephone counselling service www.telefonseelsorge.de: Anonymous, free counselling at any time of the day or night under the nationwide telephone numbers 0800 - 1110111 or 0800 - 1110222

University chaplaincy

The ESG (Evangelische Studierendengemeinde Ludwigshafen) is an offer of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate for students in Ludwigshafen, the KHG (Katholische Studierendengemeinde Ludwigshafen) is an offer of the Catholic Church of the Diocese of Speyer, regardless of nationality, religious or ideological orientation.

Counselling and support for personal problems and financial emergencies by telephone, email or in person at the university.
You can find more information here.

Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz

The Student Union (Studierendenwerk) Vorderpfalz offers for all students in Landau, Germersheim, Worms and Ludwigshafen:

  • Social counselling
  • Psychological counselling
  • Financial counselling, including for student loans,

 You can find more information here.

beratung@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 stw-vp.de
Telefon:06341-9179180 / 181

Registration at the Aliens' Registration Office Ludwigshafen

Refugees must make an appointment to register at the Foreigners' Registration Office. They can do this at Jägerstraße 1 or by email to aufenthaltsrecht-ukraine@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 ludwigshafen.de. The information can be found in German and Ukrainian at www.ludwigshafen.de.
After registering, people can go to the Asylum Department at Stadthaus Nord (Europaplatz) and apply for social benefits. This also includes health care vouchers. In urgent cases, this assistance is also provided without prior registration.

Assistance offered by the city of Ludwigshafen

Under the following link, the city administration of Ludwigshafen has compiled a lot of information for refugees from Ukraine, some of it also in Ukrainian:


Local support platform "LU can help

The initiative "LU can help"  has formed different focal points in order to be able to support refugees from Ukraine quickly and flexibly. The website "Lucan.help" coordinates volunteer work in Ludwigshafen and gives people who want to help and those who need support a platform.

The Heinrich Pesch Haus (HPH) provides an office for this coordination work.

Phone: +49 (0)163 9705 150

Mon. - Fri. from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

E-mail: info@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 lucan.help

Helpful links