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Job portal

Thank you for your interest in HWG LU!

Under "University as an employer" you will find further information about our offers and your opportunities - become part of our university team! Below you will find an overview of our current vacancies.

If there is currently no suitable position, we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application in our application portal. If you are interested in taking on a teaching position at the HWG LU, we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application as a lecturer via the application portal. You can also find more information about teaching assignments here.


Salaried employees and university management


Other positions in the university environment - aimed at all students (m/f/d)


the company Formbench/ Ehrenkind is looking for a working student in the field of content marketing (m/f/d) 10-20h - Remote: https://ehrenkind.recruitee.com/o/mitarbeiter-kundenservice-customer-care-mwd-50-100-remote-2-3


Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim

Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University is currently looking for a student assistant (Hiwi) to support our Education Support Center at the DHBW Mannheim.

Further information on the job advertisement can be found here.


Leibniz Institute for the German Language

The Public Relations and Documentation Department of the IDS in Mannheim has a vacancy for an untested/tested (BA) student assistant with 40 or 35 hours per month starting August 1, 2024.

You can find the job advertisement as a PDF file here and online at https://www.ids-mannheim.de/org/karriere/stellen/stelle3/. The application deadline is 01.07.2024.



The company Über.morgen from Mannheim is looking for a working student in the field of social media with immediate effect.

You can find the complete job advertisement here: https://www.uebermorgen.marketing/werkstudentin/

The link to the website can be found here:



Peras GmbH

The company Paras GmbH is looking for a working student for their HR department from June 2024.

They are also offering a mandatory internship from June/July 2024.

After a familiarization phase at their location in Karlsruhe, the position can also easily be carried out in the home office.you can find the complete job advertisement here: Working student (m/f/d) Human Resources (Karlsruhe, Wiesbaden) ' Peras GmbH

The mazem (Mannheim Center for Empirical Multilingualism Research) is looking for language support staff for kindergarten and school

The company Enza Zaden is looking for working students:Careers (myworkdayjobs.com)

and for Supply Chain graduates: Careers ( myworkdayjobs.com)


The Kunstverein Ludwigshafen

is looking for students to supervise the temporary exhibitions. Remuneration is based on a minimum wage of € 12.41 on a € 538 mini-job basis: Tel. 0621/52 80 55 or schubert@kunstverein-ludwigshafen.de


Tutors and private tutors wanted!

Do you have knowledge of an apprenticeship in mathematics, German, chemistry, economics or a commercial field and enjoy working with young people?

Contact: Ms. Ulrike Lulei, Joblinge gAG Metropolitan area Rhine-Neckar, Tel: 06221 595 70148, ulrike.lulei@joblinge.de


Working student for the project "Sprache und Medien Zukunftsbaukasten" in Mannheim / Ludwigshafen


ZuBaKa-Scout - work with children and young people with a history of immigration for the 2024/2025 school year

Send your unsolicited application with your CV and a short letter of motivation to bewerbung@zubaka.de


Mentors wanted! Project Chancenzünder, a joint cooperation of BASF and the non-profit organization Kinderhelden - volunteer work with primary school children who have difficult starting conditions - Ludwigshafen and surrounding area



SkF Heidelberg e.V. - Care and support for children and young people in an inpatient residential group in Eberbach - Parental leave replacement with the possibility of permanent employment For more information, please contact our pedagogical director, Mr. Roesch, phone: 06221 13708651, roesch@st-paulusheim.de and at www.skf-heidelberg.de

SkF Heidelberg e. V. - Care and support for parents whose children live in a residential group in Heidelberg. For further information, please contact our pedagogical director, Ms. Keddies, phone: 06221 13708630, keddies@st-paulusheim.de and at www.skf-heidelberg.de.

SkF Heidelberg e. V. - Care and support for children and young people in an inpatient residential group in Heidelberg. For further information, please contact our pedagogical director, Mr. Sandritter, phone: 06221 13708621, sandritter@st-paulusheim.de and at www.skf-heidelberg.de.


Simone Trippel
Application Management
A-Building, Room A 401b
Tel. :+49 621 5203 176

Christina Schönherr
Application Management
A-Building, Room A 401b
Tel. :+49 621 5203 270

Evelyn Bentz
Application management,

Publication of job advertisements for working student jobs

A-Building, Room A 401b
Phone :+49 621 5203 299