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Crash course: Business rhetoric - the art of convincing at work, start: 11.05.2024, (course number: 241-100205)


Mannheim, Castle

Saturday, May 11, 2024, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm



"Success and failure are usually not decided by the facts themselves, but rather by how they are sold."

- Ronald Reagan -


The requirements profile against which students are measured also includes and increasingly includes skills in the areas of free speech, presentations and self-presentation.

Seminar objective:

Participants learn to present themselves as competent personalities through applied rhetoric.


! Structure of free speech

! Structure of presentations

! Dealing with interrupters

! Preparation, realization and evaluation of different speeches

! Kinesics

! Rhetorical style and aids

! Argumentation techniques


Would you like to take part? Click here to pre-register with HWG Ludwigshafen
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