Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Stefan Kronenberger
Professor of General Economics (Micro- and Macroeconomics) including Foreign Trade
stefan.kronenberger@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
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Teaching areas
- Economics
- Business administration
- Statistics
Research focus
- Finance
- Business administration for public administrations
Professional career
1975 - 1980 | Studied economics and statistics at the University of Mannheim |
1980 - 1985 | Research assistant at the Chair of Economics, in particular Planning and Administration of the Public Economy at the University of Mannheim |
1985 - 1987 | Research assistant at the Collaborative Research Center 5 at the University of Mannheim |
1988 - 1989 | Employee of the Federal Association of German Cooperative Banks, Marketing Department |
1989 - 1993 | Consultant in a policy unit of the budget department of the Federal Ministry of Finance |
05.1993 - 12.1993 | Professor of Public Business Administration and Economics at the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration, North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf Department |
Since 30.12.1993 | Professor of General Economics at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein |
12.1996 - 12.2000 | Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration I (Management and Controlling) |
05.2001 - 07.2001 | Research and teaching stay at the University of Applied Sciences Finance, Accounting and Taxation (FIRST) in Vienna |
01.08.2002 - 31.07.2006 | Vice President of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
2007 - 2012 | Dean of the Department of Management, Controlling, HealthCare |
- Förderverein Gesundheitsökonomie an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen e. V. (Chairman of the Board of Trustees)
- Associationfor Social Policy
- Erbsland, M. / Kronenberger, S. (2007): Population ageing and health expenditure. A Granger Causality Analysis for Germany, France, Great Britain and Switzerland, in: Ulrich, V. and Ried, W. (eds.), Effizienz, Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit im Gesundheitswesen. Theory and policy of public action, especially in health insurance. Commemorative publication on the 65th birthday of Eberhard Wille, Baden-Baden 2007, pp. 755 - 776
- Guckelsberger, U. / Kronenberger, S. (1997): Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre: Lehr- und Übungsbuch, 5th ed. Ludwigshafen 2009 (1st ed., 1997)
- Kronenberger, S. (1989): Electronic Banking: Auswirkungen auf die Vertriebspolitik der Banken, in: Bankinformation, ed. v. Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken e.V., April 1989, pp. 28-31
- Kronenberger, S. (1988): Investment in the context of government spending, Frankfurt/Main, Bern, New York, 1988
- Wille, E. / Kronenberger, S. (1984): Conflicting objectives in the context of public debt. Einige Anmerkungen mit empirischem Bezug, in: Siebert, Horst (ed.): Intertemporale Allokation, Frankfurt/Main, Bern, New York, 1984, pp. 607-647