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Support for the appeal: Living well together - Rhineland-Palatinate against hate and hatred

Presidium of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG LU) expressly supports the appeal of the state government "Living well together - Rhineland-Palatinate against hate and incitement". In the future, the university will to be more active in the context of suitable events.more intensivelythe topic - and thus the problem content of this social development - within the framework of suitable events. First thematic impact will be the 2nd symposium health promotion and prevention in care, which will take place on February 13, 2020 at the HWG LU and deals with appreciative handling, violence prevention and conflict resolution in everyday care.

In its cabinet meeting last Tuesday, the state government addressed the observation, which can be found in social contexts, that the principles of respectful and peaceful interaction are increasingly disregarded. Especially in the various social networks, where statements can be made anonymously, it is noticeable that many people have to defend themselves daily against attacks full of hate and agitation against them as a person or their activity.

The Council of Ministers adopted the following appeal in this regard:

"Living well together - Rhineland-Palatinate against hate and agitation. Rhineland-Palatinate is a livable and cosmopolitan state. We want to remain so in the future.

That is why we are not resigned to the fact that interaction on the streets and on the Internet is becoming increasingly aggressive. We object when individuals or minorities are held in contempt, and we stand in front of those who take responsibility for the common good when they are insulted and threatened.

We know from history how precious democracy and the rule of law are. Freedom of expression and freedom of the press are a great good. But no one can invoke the Basic Law for hate and incitement. The dignity of every human being is inviolable - no matter where someone comes from, what gender someone is, what someone believes, what handicap someone has, what social situation someone lives in or how someone loves.

Misanthropy must never again meet a majority that remains silent.

Let us show together: Hate and agitation have no place in Rhineland-Palatinate. Despite all the differences of opinion, we stand for respectful coexistence. For us, compassion, tolerance and civil courage count. We want to live well together."

The extended executive committee of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society expressly endorses the appeal: "As the German Rectors' Conference has already clearly stated several times, we believe it is necessary for universities to consciously and visibly oppose intolerance and hate speech. After all, universities stand for openness to the world and tolerance. They stand up for our free and democratic society and have a special responsibility with regard to their educational task," explained University President Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra on behalf of the entire Executive Board and added: "As HWG LU, we are pleased to have a diverse student body and staff who treat each other and each other with openness and respect. And we see ourselves as closely connected to Ludwigshafen's colorful and engaged urban society."

In the future, the university not only wants to support the declaration of the state government, but also to deal more intensively with the topic - and thus the problem content of this social development - within the framework of suitable events, according to Mudra. First thematic impact will be here the 2nd symposium health promotion and prevention in the care, which takes place on 13 February 2020 at the HWG LU and deals with appreciative handling, violence prevention and conflict management in everyday care.

The extended presidium of the university is looking forward to further suggestions on this topic area and is ready for a dialogue.

Further information can also be found on the corresponding website of the state government:


Dr. Elena Wassmann

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Dr. Katharina Klüver-Beck

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Julia Scholz


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