Application via the university's portal
For all Bachelor's and Master's study courses without admission restriction (see list below) you can apply directly via our university's portal.
Registration in the portal of Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
Bachelor's study courses |
International Business Management East Asia, BSc |
Wirtschaftsinformatik, BSc |
Berufsintegrierendes Studium Betriebswirtschaft, BA |
Gesundheitsökonomie im Praxisverbund, BSc |
Hebammenwesen, BSc |
Hebammenwissenschaft, BSc |
Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre - International Business Administration, BSc |
Internationale Wirtschaftsinformatik - International Business Administration and Information Technology, BSc |
Logistik dual, BA |
Weinbau und Oenologie, BSc |
Master's study courses (consecutive) |
Controlling, MA |
Finance & Accounting, MA |
Innovation Management, MA |
Innovative Versorgungspraxis in der Pflege und im Hebammenwesen, MA |
International Human Ressource Management, MA |
International Marketing Management, MA |
Logistik. MA |
Soziale Arbeit, MA |
Versorgungssteuerung im Gesundheitswesen Health Care Management, MSc |
Wirtschaftsinformatik mit Schwerpunkt Data Science & Consulting, MSc |
If you would like to apply for a study course with admission restriction, please register with DoSV before applying via our university's portal.
The system of the portal will give you only 30 minutes time for entering your application, so please work swiftly. If you have not finished within this time-frame, log in again and finish your application.
Please make sure you have all the necessary documents for your application.
Admission requirements for Bachelor's study courses
Admission requirements for consecutive Master's study courses
After your registration on our university's portal it is important for you to note down your log-in data on the provided checklist. You must keep this checklist until you are finally enrolled.
Application for a Bachelor's or Master's study course without admission restriction
In Bachelor's or Master's study courses without admission restriction every applicant will be enrolled, if the application requirements are met and if all documents are being handed in on time via postal service. We will not send out an enrollment notice.
Application for a Master's study course with admission restriction
You should only apply for study courses you really intend studying, because:
In admission-restricted Master's study courses only the application with the highest priority (application number 1) will be considered. If you are accepted with this application, you cannot remain on the waiting list, not even in case you reject your admission.
With each application you have to hand in all necessary certificates as certified photocopies.
In case of technical problems printing out the online-application or in case of problems while filling in data, you should log in again and do the application one more time.
Please send your documents and the printed application to the university.
You can check on the data you filled in with the button „Kontrollblatt drucken" (print checklist). After that, print your application, sign it and send all necessary documents and the application to:
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen
Bereich Internationale Angelegenheiten
Ernst Boehe Straße 4
67059 Ludwigshafen
How do I know if my application arrived at the university and if my documents were complete?
You can check on that and the status of your application via the university's portal. Missing documents will be listed here. In that case, hand them in within the given period of time and don't forget to include your application number.
We will not send out letters!
Your application will not be considered if you applied online but failed to send your printed application or missing documents within the given period of time. The postal stamp grants the validation.
Forgot your password?
In case you forgot your password, please use the function "Passwort vergessen" (forgot password) in the university's application portal.