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Information for first semester students for WiSe 2024/25 can be found here from July 15

B.Sc. Midwifery Sciences (dual-cooperative)

Right from the start… 

Midwives accompany women and their families from the beginning of pregnancy until the end of breastfeeding period. They support and take care of women in this special phase of life, they independently supervise and conduct physiological births and examine and nurse newborns and infants. Their work is indispensable for the medical and psycho-social well-being of women and their families.

The dual-cooperative Bachelor’s study program Midwifery prepares students for the versatile and highly responsible work of midwives. Theoretical and practical study phases alternate.
The theoretical study phases take place at the university. They also include practical skills-training in modernly equipped simulation rooms with simulation dolls and simulation models, which prepare our students for real life situations.
The practical study phases take place at our clinical and non-clinical cooperation partners, in delivery rooms, pregnancy ambulances, postnatal care wards and in children’s clinics. We also cooperate with non-clinical free-lance midwives, birth centers or obstetrics practices.
Practice consultants take care of our students both during clinical and non-clinical assignments. Students are being remunerated throughout the entire study program.

Study objective

Students will be qualified to meet the demanded competences of the study and examination regulations for midwives (HebStPrV). Graduates have knowledge and abilities to support physiological pregnancy, birth, postpartum period and breastfeeding period. They gain professional and personal skills to meet the complex requirements of clinical and ambulant midwifery. They are able to work responsibly according to the standards of midwifery and the corresponding sciences and to reflect and evaluate their work.

Graduates receive the title of Bachelor of Science and the German state licence Hebamme (midwife).

Advantages for our students:

  • close connection of theory and practice
  • well-established cooperations of our university with clinical and non-clinical partners
  • non-clinical work-experience abroad possible
  • optional mandatory modules to create your personal focus
  • individual support
  • innovative teaching and study methods in small study groups
  • modern skills and simulation rooms
  • highly motivated teachers with many years of professional experience in midwifery, both in science and practice
  • remuneration during the entire study program


7 semesters full-time study program


21 modules (16 theory modules, 5 practice modules)


210 ECTS

start of studies

in the winter semester (1st September)





Every semester there will be a practical phase of at least four weeks. The 3rd and 5th semester mainly consist of practice phases. If students wish, they have the option of spending a non-clinical work experience of several weeks abroad.
After each module, an exam has to be taken. The practical, written and oral exam parts of the state examination for the professional recognition as midwife take place in the form of module exams in the 6th and 7th semester.The Bachelor’s thesis has to be written during the 7th semester.

Formal admission requirements:

1. University entrance qualification:

·       graduation from high school or equivalent after at least 12 school years or

·       a diploma of professional training in health care

2. Bodily fitness to accomplish the study program of Midwifery  (medical certificate/official form)

3. Certificate of good conduct (official form)

4. Very good command of German (C1 level), language certificate  necessary  for applicants without a German university entrance qualification

5. Contract with one of our practical cooperation partners for an academic midwifery training


Personal preconditions:

  • interest in working with people from different cultures
  • empathy
  • team spirit
  • resilience and flexibility
  • sense of responsibility
  • medical interest
  • willingness to work in shifts and on weekends
  • eagerness to learn independently
  • good command of English





Online information event - Nursing (B.Sc.) for the start of the winter semester 2024/25

=> arrange an individual appointment at pflege@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

The degree program qualifies students for a very dynamically developing field of work and offers excellent development and career opportunities.

Students will be qualified to perform the nursing, preventive, health-promoting, palliative and rehabilitative tasks associated with the nursing profession in a comprehensive, theory-led and evidence-based manner.

In addition, you will acquire the competence to independently practice medicine in the areas of dementia, chronic wounds and diabetic metabolic diseases. Wounds and diabetic metabolism. The acquisition of this competence is currently only possible as part of the degree course.

In addition to professional competence, methodological competence and personal competence, scientific methodological competence is also specifically promoted during the course.

The degree program concludes with the academic degree of Bachelor of Science and the state accreditation of NursingSpecialist  .


Advantages for students:

  • Dual study program with monthly remuneration for the entire duration of the course
  • Acquisition of skills for the independent practice of medicine (diab. metabolism, dementia, chronic wounds)
  • Practice-oriented studies: alternation of study and practical phases
  • Innovative education and learning methods in manageable group sizes
  • Three learning locations: University, skills & simulation center, nursing practice
  • Practical phases with regional cooperation partners of the university
  • Organizational and content-related coordination of theoretical and practical modules by the university
  • Intensive and individual support from qualified lecturers at all three learning locations
  • Possibility of stays abroad
  • Degree that is recognized throughout the EU


Duration: 8 semesters (240 ECTS)

Study places: 30

Start of semester: September 01, 2024

Induction week at the university: September 16 - 20, 2024

Start oflectures: September 23, 2024

Formal admission requirements for studying:

1. qualification for university entrance (HZB):

  • Degree of at least 12 years of general school education (Abitur, Fachhochschulreife or a qualification recognized as equivalent) 
  • If applicable, proof of German language proficiency (C1 level) for applicants who have not obtained their qualification for university entrance in Germany.

International applicants: All international applicants with a non-German school or university degree can find information on admission and application procedures here: https://www.hwg-lu.de/international/studieninteressierte. If you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Johanna Weber johanna.weber@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de .


2 Degree training contract with cooperating nursing facility 

=> A training contract can only be concluded at the practice facility once the study place has been allocated ("provisional admission certificate").

=> The concluded training contract is a prerequisite for starting the course in September.

Further proof required during the course of studies: medical certificate, extended police clearance certificate, proof of vaccination (according to legal requirements) 

Study place application

Application period university: May 2024 - A later application is possible after individual examination, please contact us Nursing (B.Sc.)

Application period practice: Application to cooperating practice facilities is possible all year round. However, signing the training contract is only possible after receiving the provisional admission certificate from the university (June/July).

Information about the application process can be found on the pages of the Student Service Center. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the application management team at the Student Service Center (SSC)

Program Management

Prof. Dr. Joachim von der Heide

Mail: joachim.vonderheide@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Phone: 0152 24610932

Program Coordination

Simone Hartmann-Eisele

Mail: simone.hartmann-eisele@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Phone: 0172 7166429 

Practice Speaker

Practice coordination and support

Jacqueline Reißer

Mail: Jacqueline.Reisser@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Phone: 0621-5203-557

Mobile: 01523-4668901

Teacher for special tasks (LfbA) / Focus on medicine

Dajana Dietrich

Mail: dajana.dietrich@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Phone: 0152 - 52807643

Associate in degree programs

Eva Maria Gurres

Mail: eva.gurres@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Phone: 0621-5203-549

Cooperating practical institutions for the start of studies in winter semester 2024/25 

DRK - Altenhilfe Vorderpfalz GmbH

- outpatient & inpatient -

Ludwigshafen Clinic gGmbH


Contact: Celine Schmitt / Deputy Head of the School for Nursing Professions

Heidelberg University Hospital


Contact: Frank Stawinski  / Academy Director / Academy for Health Professions Heidelberg

Protestant Old People's Home West Palatinate

- outpatient & inpatient -


Westpfalz-Klinikum Kaiserslautern

ZI - Central Institute for Mental Health


Contact: Doris Borgwedel / Nursing Director

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in 4 semesters

Who is the degree programs aimed at?

How long does the shortened course take?

  • 4 semesters
  • The nursing training is credited with 90 ECTS towards the modules of the first 3 semesters.
  • Further qualifications can be examined for recognition after commencement of the course. A maximum of 105 ECTS can be credited.

How is the course structured?

  • The degree programs is designed as a full-time, practice-integrated course (block weeks in theory and practice).
  • The timing and hours of the practical phases are set out in the study plan => see right-hand column "Downloads"
  • In the summer semester 2024, an introductory/orientation semester (1st semester) will take place for the group of professionally qualified nursing students => module handbook see right column "Downloads"
  • From the winter semester 2024/25 (2nd semester), all courses up to the 7th semester will be attended together with the nursing students (B.Sc.).

Where can the practical phases be completed?

  • In nursing facilities that have concluded a cooperation agreement with the university (see homepage). 
  • Practical phases can be completed as part of a regular employment relationship or in the form of internships. 

What are the differences to the 7-semester primary qualifying degree programs in nursing (B.Sc.)?

  • You already have a professional qualification, i.e. there are no professional examinations ("exams"). The academic degree "Bachelor of Science" is obtained by successfully completing the degree program . This degree is awarded with the professional title already acquired.
  • The design of the practical phases and practical tasks is based on your existing professional experience (mandatory practical supervision of 10% is not required). The practical supervision (support of the theory-practice transfer and completion of the practical tasks) takes place at the university.

Is this something for me? - Can I manage it? - Do I want to do it? 

  • If you have any questions about studying (compatibility, effort, organization, ...), please contact: Ms. Simone Hartmann-Eisele (course coordination/advice)

When & how can I apply?

  • Application period: mid-November 2023 to mid-January 2024

Please address all questions regarding admisson requirements & application, to: 

     Mr. Timo Schweitzer (Student Service Center (SSC) / Application Management)

     Phone: 0621 5203 - 514 or 0152 59124685.

With the successful completion of the seven-semester "Nursing" degree program, you will acquire the dual qualification of a nursing specialist and a first academic degree, the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).

The generalist orientation of the degree programs enables you to work with people of all age groups and prepares you for practical work in all areas of nursing care.

Within the framework of compulsory elective modules , students can also set their own specialist focus and acquire qualifications in the areas of "practical guidance" or "chronicity and counseling in the course of life" (incl. certificate as a wound expert (ICW) ).

In order to achieve this study goal, you will learn at three different locations: university, nursing practice and the skills & simulation center. All three learning locations are closely interlinked in terms of content and organization.

The practical modules are completed with cooperation partners of the university in the areas of inpatient and outpatient acute and long-term care, pediatrics, psychiatry and other areas of application. 

Duration:  7 semesters; full-time study

Scope:   21 modules of which 14 theory modules and 7 practical modules 

ECTS:      210 ECTS

From 2024, all students on the Nursing degree programs (B.Sc.) will be transferred to the dual system as part of the Nursing Studies Strengthening Act.

Inpatient acute care

BG Clinic Ludwigshafen

Ludwig-Guttmann-Str. 13

67071 Ludwigshafen

GRN Clinics in Eberbach, Schwetzingen, Sinsheim, Weinheim


68723 Schwetzingen

St. Joseph's Hospital Heidelberg

Landhausstr. 25

69115 Heidelberg

Ludwigshafen Hospital gGmbH


67061 Ludwigshafen

Guter Hirte Hospital Ludwigshafen

Semmelweisstrasse 7

67061 Ludwigshafen

Heidelberg University Hospital

Im Neuenheimer Field 672

69120 Heidelberg

University Hospital Mannheim

Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3

68167 Mannheim

West Palatinate Hospital Kaiserslautern

Hellmut-Hartert-Strasse 1

67655 Kaiserslautern

Outpatient acute and long-term care

CuraBeierlein GmbH

Edigheimerstr. 45

67069 Ludwigshafen

DRK Altenhilfe Vorderpfalz GmbH

Richard-Dehmel-Str. 2

67061 Ludwigshafen

Ecumenical Social Center Limburgerhof

Church road 29

67117 Limburgerhof

Ecumenical Social Center Ludwigshafen on the Rhine

Rohrlachstrasse 72 

67063 Ludwigshafen

Ecumenical Social Center Speyer

Paul-Egell-Strasse 24

67346 Speyer

Care squared

Schneidemühler Str. 21

68307 Mannheim

Inpatient long-term care

ASB Senior Center Otterberg GmbH

Bachstraße 9

67697 Otterberg

Caritas Center for the Elderly St. Ulrich

Konrad Adenauerstrasse 49

67433 Neustadt

Nursing home in the Melm - DRK Altenhilfe Vorderpfalz GmbH

Albert-Haueisenring 28

67071 Ludwigshafen

Evangelical Home Foundation Baden GmbH Rheinauer Tor Senior Citizens' Center

Relay Street 2

68219 Mannheim

Prot. geriatric care West Palatinate

Lower donkey mill 2

67677 Enkenbach-Alsenborn

VDA nursing homes in Sandhausen, Neckarau & Almenhof

Neckarau Street 229

68199 Mannheim 


Ludwigshafen Hospital gGmbH


67061 Ludwigshafen

Heidelberg University Hospital

Im Neuenheimer Field 672

69120 Heidelberg

University Hospital Mannheim

Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3

68167 Mannheim

West Palatinate Hospital Kaiserslautern

Hellmut-Hartert-Strasse 1

67655 Kaiserslautern


Guter Hirte Hospital Ludwigshafen

Semmelweisstrasse 7

67061 Ludwigshafen

Palatinate Hospital for Psychiatry and Neurology

Wine street 100

76889 Klingenmünster

ZI Central Institute for Mental Health Mannheim


68159 Mannheim

Info phone

For all questions related to the degree programs.

Tel.: 0172 7166429

Contact and information on this study program

E-mail-address: hebammenwissenschaft@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

Follow us ...

Team Nursing (B.Sc.)


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 1.227+49 621 5203-550


Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen

C 1.227+49 172 7166429


Maxstr. 29
67059 Ludwigshafen

M 127+49 621 5203-513+49 621 5203-569

Praxiskoordination und -begleitung

Maxstr. 29
67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 621 5203-557+49 15234668901+49 621 5203-569
