- Opportunities for all
About us

Social background plays a decisive role in educational advancement in Germany. Statistics show that For every 100 children from non-academic families, only 27 start university, compared to 79 for academics. A lack of role models, financial hurdles and self-doubt make access to universities more difficult.
The non-profit organization is committed to ensuring that every child from a non-academic family with suitable qualifications has the opportunity to study. Founded by Katja Urbatsch, herself a first-time graduate, the organization has over 6,000 volunteers who support pupils and students along the way.
Since 2008, has been the largest non-profit organization supporting first-generation students in Germany. We offer numerous information and mentoring opportunities, including here at HWG Ludwigshafen.
Our community
We want to show you: You are not alone! Our community consists mainly of first-year students who support and encourage each other. Whether you have questions about financing your studies or about general topics in everyday university life - we welcome all those seeking advice.

Contact us
- E-Mail:
- Consultation hours: Every Tuesday, 11:00 - 12:00, Building B, Room 109a
- Mobile: 0176/34523503
- Info phone for those seeking advice: 030 679 672 750 (Mon-Thu, 13:00 - 18:30)
- Instagram nationwide:
- Instagram Rhineland-Palatinate: arbeiterkind.de_rp_sl