Prof. Dr. Stephan Weinert

Graduate economist and MBA
Professor of General Business Administration, in particular International Human Resource Management
Degree programs in International Human Resource Management and Organization
C 2.206
Teaching areas
- International personnel management and organization
- Recruiting and employer branding
- Personnel selection and development
- Personnel management
- International and strategic management
Research focus
- Talent Management
- Personnel Diagnostics
- Personnel recruitment and development
- Personnel management
Professional career
since 03/2018 | Professor of Business Administration, in particular International Human Resource Management, at the Department of Marketing and Human Resource Management at Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society |
11/2011-02/2018 | Professor of Business Administration, in particular Human Resource Management, at the Department of Economics at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences |
04/2010-10/2011 | Executive Assistant of the Chief Operating Officer HR (COO HR) & Global Labor Relations, SAP AG, Walldorf |
09/2007-03/2010 | Senior Consultant, Human Capital, MERCER Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt |
03/2007-08/2007 | Consultant Analyst, Business Transformation Group, PA Consulting Group GmbH, Frankfurt |
10/2004-02/2007 | Research Assistant, Chair of Innovation & Production, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal |
06/2006-12/2006 | Research Assistant, Center for Strategic Management and Globalization, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen / DK |
Lectures / Congresses
- Personalmanagementkongress, member of the jury in 2017 and 2018, Berlin
- "Variable remuneration and performance management", Personnel Management Congress, Berlin, 2016.
- "Strategisches High Potential Management", lecture as part of the lecture series "Personal- und Organisationsberatung", Department of Psychology, Humboldt University Berlin, 2016.
- "Executive Assessment: Providers, Methods, Trends", Personnel Management Congress, Berlin, 2014.
- "Current trends in management auditing - an overview of the market and methods", Zukunft Personal trade fair, Cologne, 2013.
- "Die 10 größten Talent-Management-Irrtümer", lecture as part of the lecture series "Personal- und Organisationsberatung", Department of Psychology, Humboldt University Berlin, 2013.
- "Science & practice in HR: irreconcilable contradiction or central requirement for modern HRM?" Personnel Management Congress, Berlin, 2013.
- "Management Audit - Effectively identifying, evaluating and developing competencies critical to success." Personaler Forum, Munich, 2013.
- "Come to stay - finding and retaining female managers." Trendence Employer Branding Awards, Berlin, 2013.
- Weinert, S. & Ohliger, K. (2018). Recruiting Outsourcing in Germany. Düsseldorf.
- Weinert, S. (2018). Ready for the digital transformation? HR Performance, 1, 107-109.
- Weinert, S. (2017). The high potential management. Wiesbaden: Springer.
- Weinert, S. (2016). Strategic high potential management. HR Consulting Review, 7, 11-14.
- Weinert, S. / Stulle, K. (2015). Executive Assessment. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer.
- Stulle, K. / Weinert, S. (2015). Categories of online assessments. HR Performance, 12, pp. 4-5.
- Weinert, S. / van Laak, C. (2015). Diversity management - hype or value driver? On the connection between diversity management and corporate success. In: Genkova, P. & Ringeisen, T. (eds.), Handbuch Diversity Kompetenz: Perspektiven und Anwendungsfelder, Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 1-12.
- Weinert, S. / Stulle, K. (2015). Thinking strategically about recruitment and implementing it successfully. HR Performance, 5, pp. 4-5.
- Stulle, K. / Weinert, S. (2015). Talent management for SMEs and family businesses. Talent Management Magazine, No. 4, pp. 16-18.
- Stulle, K. / Weinert, S. (2015). Understanding competencies instead of evaluating them. HR Performance, 7/8, pp. 4-6.
- Weinert, S. / van Laak, C. / Müller-Vorbrüggen, M. (2014). Identification of high potentials: Test procedures lead a shadowy existence, Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, No. 3, pp. 12-14.
- Weinert, S. / van Laak, C. / Müller-Vorbrüggen, M. / Nachtwei, J. (2014). There is a lack of implementation. Personalmagazin, No. 2, pp. 30-31.
- Stulle, K. / Thiel, S. / Weinert, S. (2013). Multimodality in the management audit. Personnel Management, No. 12, pp. 24-29.
- Weinert, S. (2013). The 10 biggest talent management mistakes. In: Nachtwei, J. / von Bernstorff, C. (Eds.). HR Consulting Review. No. 2, pp. 1-4.
- Weinert, S. / Weinert, C. (2013): Are banks still employers of choice? The Bank, No. 3, pp. 75-77.
- Weinert, S. (2013): The future is female - On the strategic necessity of recruiting and promoting female managers using the example of SAP. diversitas, No. 1/2, pp. 83-88.
- Weinert, S. (2012), Attractive in China. Personalmagazin, No. 12, pp. 32-34.
- Stulle, K. / Weinert, S. (2012): Tested leadership strength. Personalwirtschaft, No. 10, pp. 36-39.
- Weinert, S. / Matthewman, J. (2012): Neglecting succession means putting your business at stake - Lessons from family-owned businesses in Germany. zawya (online), 13.08.2012.
- Weinert, S. / Nachtwei, J. (2012): Management Audit - More shadow than light. M&A Review, No. 7/8, pp. 290-295.
- Weinert, S. (2012): Diversity of DAX30 board members - claim and reality. Research reports of the Department of Economics at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Issue 20, Düsseldorf.
- Weinert, S. (2010): HR management in the Middle Kingdom - successfully shaping recruitment in China. In: Baumann, W. / Braukmann, U. / Matthes, W. (Eds.): Innovation and Internationalization, Wiesbaden, pp. 107-125.
- Yussefi, S. / Weinert, S. (2009): Chairs and heads - Identification of success-critical positions and employees in the M&A context. M&A Review, No. 10, pp. 436-440.
- Weinert, S. / Yussefi, S. (2009): Talent management in turbulent times - between wish and reality. Mercer, Frankfurt.
- Weinert, S. (2008): Mergers & acquisitions - change management as a success factor. In: Fink, D. / Gries, A. / Lünendonk, T. (Eds.): Consulting Compendium 2008, Frankfurt, pp. 62-65.
- Weinert, S. (2008): Employee retention as a success factor: Importance and structure of employee retention programs for M&A. M&A Review, No. 6, pp. 292-295.
- Messner, W. / Weinert, S. (2008): Economic and Business Effects of IT Offshoring. In: Hendel, A. / Messner, W. / Thun, F. (eds.): Rightshore - Sucessfully Industrialize SAP Projects Offshore, Hamburg, pp. 33-44.
- Koubek, N. / Weinert, S. / Meyer, K. (2007): Offshoring strategies of multinational companies in different regions of Asia. In: Welfens, P. J. J. / Knipping, F. / Chirathivat, S. / Ryan, C. (eds.): The EU and ASEAN Facing Economic Globalization. Heidelberg / New York.
- Weinert, S. (2007): Offshore Service Centers of Multinational Companies: Conceptual and Empirical Findings. Vol. 40, Hamburg.
- Klose, R. / Weinert, S. (2007): Understanding and successfully managing emotions in M&A projects. M&A Review, No. 8/9, pp. 365-369.
- Koubek, N. / Trumann, M. / Weinert, S. (2007): Global networking, relocation of corporate activities and positive/neutral employment effects at home. Hans Böckler Foundation.
- Weinert, S. (2007): India gets competition in IT offshoring. IO New Management, No. 5, pp. 14-17.
- Weinert, S. / Meyer K. (2007): Cross-border acquisitions: An insight into key trends. In: M&A Review, No. 1, pp. 14-20.