Prof. Dr. iur. Andreas Rein

Professorship for Social Benefits Law
C1 .234
+49 621/5203-534
+49 621/5203-569
andreas.rein@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8
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Teaching areas
- Social law (in particular basic social security and social administration procedures)
- Livelihood security law
Research focus
- Debt counseling
- Consumer insolvency law
- Death and mourning, dementia
Professional career
1994 | Lawyer in Marburg law firm |
1996 | Legal advisor and attorney at the Chamber of Auditors, Düsseldorf |
1999 | Editor and lawyer at the publishing house C. H. Beck, Frankfurt a. M. branch office |
2005-2010 | part-time activity in law firm |
since 2010 | Professorship for the law of social benefits at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein |
- Member of the editorial advisory board of Zeitschrift für Verbraucher- und Privatinsolvenzrecht (ZVI) (Journal of Consumer and Private Insolvency Law)
- Member of the Expert Council of the Institute for Quality and Standards in Insolvency Processing (IQS), Berlin
- Member of the Working Group for Insolvency Law, Cologne e.V.
- Commentary on Sections 60 - 62 InsO, in: Nerlich/Römermann, Commentary on the Insolvency Code, loose-leaf, 23rd supplementary edition 2012 (as of April 2012), Verlag C. H. Beck.
- Compensation for damages in the event of an unjustified insolvency petition, in: NJW-Spezial 2013, p. 213
- Qualität kostet Geld - Zur Finanzierung und rechtliche Verankerung der Schuldnerberatung (written version of the presentation at the annual conference of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung on April 25, 2013), in: BAG-SB Informationen 2013, p. 116
- Current social law issues in crisis and insolvency (reporting period July to December 2012), in: NZI 2013, p. 172
- Insolvency opening after previous plan proceedings as a new insolvency event? (Comment on BSG, judgment of Dec. 6, 2012 - B 11 AL 11/11 R), to appear in: NZI issue 10/2013
- Information by insolvency administrator and insolvency court, in: NJW-Spezial 2012, p. 597
- Inspection of files by third parties in insolvency proceedings, in: NJW-Spezial 2012, p. 213
- Insolvency validity of the cancellation claim of the subordinate land charge creditor (comment on BGH, judgment of 27. 4. 2012 - V ZR 270/10), in: NZI 2012, p. 758
- The inspection of files by creditors in insolvency proceedings, in: NJW-Spezial 2011, p. 661
- Insolvency contestation of payments to avoid an energy cut-off, in: NJW-Spezial 2011, p. 213
- No preventive debtor counseling to prevent indigence (comment on BSG, judgment of July 13, 2010 - B 8 SO 14/09 R), in: Verbraucherinsolvenz aktuell 2010, p. 86
- Shortening of the period of good conduct only in the case of coverage of procedural costs or distribution of quotas?, in: Verbraucherinsolvenz aktuell 2010, p. 25
- Insolvency Stability of the Statutory Right to Cancellation of a Subordinated Creditor of a Compulsory Mortgage (Comment on Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, Judgment of April 2, 2009 - 11 U 200/06), in: NZI 2009, p. 557
- Coalition Agreement and Insolvency Law - Founder's Privilege in Residual Debt Relief, in: NZI Heft 16/2009, p. V
- Insolvency Inadmissibility of a Payment by the Administrator for the Cancellation of a Worthless Land Charge - "Chimney Mortgage" (Comment on BGH, Decision of March 20, 2008 - IX ZR 68/06), in: NZI 2008, p. 365
- The cancellation claim of a subordinate land charge creditor in the insolvency of the land owner, in: NJW 2006, p. 3470
- Debtor's claim to refrain from filing for insolvency (comment on OLG Koblenz, order of 17. 11. 2005 - 10 W 705/05), in: NZI 2006, p. 354
- Failure of a creditor to sign his statement on the debt settlement plan (comment on Münster Regional Court, decision dated December 13, 2001 - 5 T 967/01), in: EWiR 2002, p. 353
- 2002, the year of insolvencies? Need for action by debtors and creditors, in: Uhlig (ed.), Gläubiger-Strategien bei krisenbehafteten Unternehmen im Vorfeld einer möglichen Insolvenz, 2002, Verlag printul
- Proof of power of attorney in debt settlement plan proceedings, Insolvenzrechtsreport 2001, No. 13 (July), p. 1
- The Lawyer on the Internet - Admissibility of a Guestbook, in: NJW 1999, p. 1377