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Prof. Dr. Peter Rahn

Diplom Sozialpädagoge (FH), Diplom Pädagoge
Professor of Social Work Science

C1 .235
+49 621/5203-545
+49 621/5203-569
peter.rahn@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de

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Teaching areas

  • Theories of social work
  • Casuistry/case work
  • Social work as education, upbringing and care in childhood
  • Qualitative research methods in social work
  • Pedagogy of social work
  • Education (theoretical approaches) in social work

Research focus

  • Social disadvantage of children and young people and their coping strategies
  • Education in social work
  • Child and youth poverty

Professional career

1985 - 1990Studied social pedagogy at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Freiburg im Breisgau
1995 - 1998Studied education at the University of Education in Freiburg im Breisgau
1990 - 1999Professional activities mainly in socio-educational child and youth education, especially at the Naturfreundejugend Baden and the Arbeiterwohlfahrt Baden
1999 - 2001Research assistant at the University of Mannheim, professorship for business education
2000 - 2005Research assistant at the University of Applied Sciences Jena, Department of Social Work
2003Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
2005 - 2006Lecturer for methods and forms of work in social work at the University of Cooperative Education in Gera, Department of Social Work
2006 - 2010Professor of Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen (CH), Department of Social Work
Since 2010Professor of Social Work Science at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Department of Social and Health Services


  • German Society for Social Work (DGSA)
  • German Society for Educational Science (DGfE)

Publications (selection)

  • Rahn, Peter (2024): Child poverty in Germany. Introduction to important aspects of the discourse. In: Peter Rahn and Sabine Zimmermann (eds.): Understanding and combating child poverty. Introduction to basic perspectives. Opladen & Toronto. S. 15-38.
  • Rahn, Peter (2024): Who hears the voice(s) of children in the child poverty discourse? Socio-pedagogically inquired. In: People magazine 1/2024. p. 29-35.
  • Rahn, Peter (2023): Poverty-sensitive action in child and youth welfare as part of a strategy to combat poverty. In: Forum Jugendhilfe 01/2023. p. 44-50.
  • Chassé, Karl August and Peter Rahn (2020): Child poverty, milieu and education. In: Peter Rahn and Karl August Chassé (eds.): Handbuch Kinderarmut. Opladen & Toronto. S. 134-142.
  • Rahn, Peter (2020): Child poverty and the children's perspective. In: Peter Rahn and Karl August Chassé (eds.): Handbook on Child Poverty. Opladen & Toronto. S. 188-196.
  • Buß, Imke, Manfred Erbsland, Peter Rahn, Romina Müller and Barbara Husemann (2018): Study behavior and academic success of students with children. Results of a university-wide survey. In: Imke Buß, Manfred Erbsland, Peter Rahn, Phillip Pohlenz (eds.): Opening up universities: Impulses for the further development of study programs. Wiesbaden. S. 107-131.
  • Rahn, Peter (2017): Education ... and the good life of children. A socio-pedagogical consideration. In: Sabine Fischer and Peter Rahn (eds.): Being a child in the city. Education and a good life. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto. S. 13-26.
  • Chassé, Karl August and Peter Rahn (2015): Poverty prevention between inclusion and exclusion. In: Kommission Sozialpädagogik (ed.): Practices of inclusion and exclusion in social work. Weinheim. S. 242-254.
  • Rahn, Peter, Christian Reutlinger and Caroline Fritsche (2014): Neighborhood and school from a child's perspective. In: Ulrich Deinet and Christian Reutlinger (eds.): Activity - Appropriation - Education. Positioning between virtuality and concreteness. Wiesbaden. S. 189-201.
  • Rahn, Peter (2013): Effects of the fairmann e.V. offer from a school perspective. A content-analytical evaluation of feedback letters on workshops for boys on the topics of anti-violence and social competence. Evaluation report. Ludwigshafen on the Rhine.
  • Rahn, Peter (2011): Subjective maps - on the reconstruction of children's appropriation spaces. In: Ииститут экоиомики, управления и права (Казан)/Fachhochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein (ed.): Методы эстетического воздействия в социалной работе - "Ästhetische Methoden in der Sozialen Arbeit". Kazan (Russia). S. 98-104.
  • Fritsche, Caro, Peter Rahn and Christian Reutlinger (2011): Quartier macht Schule - The children's perspective. Wiesbaden.
  • Rahn, Peter (2010): Professionalism - Reflections on current challenges. In: Petra Benz Bertoletta, Marcel Meier Kressig, Anna Maria Riedi and Michael Zwilling (eds.): Soziale Arbeit in der Schweiz. Insights into discipline, profession and university. Bern. S. 142-153.
  • Rahn, Peter (2010): Lifeworld. In: Christian Reutlinger, Caroline Fritsche and Eva Lingg (Eds.): Raumwissenschaftliche Basics. Wiesbaden. S. 141-148.
  • Chassé, Karl August and Peter Rahn (2010): Coping through peer integration in the transition to secondary schools - A moral economy perspective of disadvantaged children. In: Margherita Zander (ed.): Kinderarmut - Einführendes Handbuch für Forschung und Soziale Praxis. 2nd edition. Wiesbaden. S. 142-160.
  • Rahn, Peter and Karl August Chassé (2009): Children in Poverty in Germany - Reflections on Recent Social Work Research. Journal of Social Work Practice, Vol. 23, No.2, June 2009, pp. 243-252.
  • Schäfer, Erich, Stephan Eschler, Peter Rahn and Sandra Uhl (2006): "Wer versteht sich, versteht auch andere besser" - Eine Längsschnittstudie zu Wirkungen eines Projekts der politischen Jugendbildung des Demokratie-Lernen. Jena.
  • Ludwig, Heike and Peter Rahn (2006): Fachhochschule und gesellschaftliche Praxis - zur Rolle der Fachhochschule der Departments Sozialwesen in den neuen Bundesländern. In: Birgit Bütow, Karl-August Chassé and Susanne Maurer (eds.): Soziale Arbeit zwischen Aufbau und Abbau. Transformation processes in East Germany and child and youth welfare. Wiesbaden. S. 149-160.
  • Rahn, Peter (2005): Transition to employment. Coping strategies of young people in disadvantaged life situations. Wiesbaden.