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Welcome to the Bachelor Business Informatics

You have already successfully completed your Abitur or Fachabitur, or you will soon complete it and are looking for a suitable degree program. The Business Informatics degree program in Ludwigshafen is NC-free and also offers all students the opportunity to adapt the pace of study to their personal circumstances. For those who would like to study flexibly and for people who are professionally qualified, it is possible to obtain advice on the framework conditions in advance. No previous knowledge is required to start this degree program, as you will learn everything from scratch.

Dear first semester students and newcomers,

If you are completely new to our university, you should definitely use the introductory week before the start of lectures to familiarize yourself with the internal information systems. The most important processes will be explained to you in these events. You can find the exact dates for this introductory week via this link to the introductory week.

For all those who are not at A-level in mathematics, our preliminary math course is strongly recommended.

If you need help at the beginning of your studies or during your studies, we recommend visiting the Studium & education pages.

For all formal concerns, please contact your program manager.

Business informatics sees itself as an interdisciplinary subject between business administration and computer science. It was created because companies have to process ever increasing amounts of data. This gave rise to the need to use systematic methods of information processing in order to be able to use the data sensibly for operational purposes. Operational procedures must be modeled in the form of business processes and handled efficiently using information technology. More specifically, business informatics deals with the planning, implementation, introduction, maintenance and operation of information systems.

The personal requirements that you should at least have are the ability to break down complex problems into smaller manageable parts and then transfer them to a solution with the required accuracy. This also requires a healthy degree of stamina and a willingness to work together across disciplines.

The course has six semesters and concludes after three years with 180 ECTS and a Bachelor of Science degree. Essentially, the Business Informatics course consists of four subject areas: business administration, business informatics, computer science and social skills. You can determine your own learning pace, within certain limits.

In the programming courses you will learn the basics of the programming language JAVA with the development environment of Eclipse. Subsequently, in the advanced courses on web applications you will learn how to implement business cases. At the end of your studies you have to bring in a group your acquired knowledge into a practical project and present it in the course.

In order to implement business requirements in an application system , you must of course know where and how to safely store and manage company data. You will therefore learn how to use a database management system. Thereby we use the database language SQL for the definition of data structures in relational databases, for editing, inserting, modifying, deleting and querying datasets based on it.

In the course Data Science you will learn how to generate information from such data sets, in order to derive recommendations for action for the company. Using analysis tools, queries are developed that distill valuable information from obscure data sets. Hypotheses are then derived, which are statistically tested and prepared for management as a basis for decision-making.

The lectures in Business Intelligence introduce the essential components of decision-supporting information systems and provide knowledge about traditional approaches, state of the art and future developments. In addition, the technology required for the BI process is dealt with both from a theoretical point of view and deepened in practical exercises.

Finally, in the business management section at  you will learn how to make safe decisions while taking into account all risks. You will then be able to design organizations and processes in a goal-oriented manner. In service management you will learn to correctly classify characteristics of services and the resulting challenges. You will get an overview of the basic elements of customer loyalty and will be able to analyze practical problems and develop solutions independently. Various management techniques such as process and project management complement their skills in the management levels.

Subject-specific English, soft skills and advanced topics in business administration and IT are taught throughout the course. At the end of your studies, you will complete a compulsory internship at a company of your choice. Here you should acquire as much practical professional knowledge and skills as possible to prepare you for your entry into working life. In combination with this, you will also write your final thesis. If you follow the link below "List of lectures", you will be taken to an overview of all lectures for the 2019 examination regulations!

ParametersLecturesTime weeklyLearning content & Link
BWI101General Business Administration4 SWSBWI101
BWI111Business Mathematics4 SWSBWI111
BWI121Accounting2 SWSBWI121
BWI122Cost Accounting2 SWSBWI122
BWI131Law4 SWSBWI131
BWI141Marketing2 SWSBWI141
BWI151Introduction to Business Informatics2 SWSBWI151
BWI161Programming I4 SWSBWI161
BWI201Investment2 SWSBWI201
BWI202Financing2 SWSBWI202
BWI211Economics3 SWSBWI211
BWI221Statistics4 SWSBWI221
BWI231Programming II4 SWSBWI231
BWI241English I-Business Basics2 SWSBWI241
BWI242Soft Skills I-Basic Soft Skills2 SWSBWI242
BWI251Software Engineering5 SWSBWI251
BWI301Project Management2 SWSBWI301
BWI302Process Management2 SWSBWI302
BWI311Operations Research2 SWSBWI311
BWI321English II - Business in Practice2 SWSBWI321
BWI322Soft Skills II - Communication2 SWSBWI322
BWI331Business Management2 SWSBWI331
BWI332Service Management2 SWSBWI332
BWI341Operating Systems2 SWSBWI341
BWI342Computer Networks2 SWSBWI342
BWI351Algorithms and Data Structures2 SWSBWI351
BWI352Databases3 SWSBWI352
BWI401WM Consulting Management Skills2 SWSContents see OLAT course!
BWI402WM Analytic Consulting Skills2 SWSContents see OLAT course!
BWI403WM Social Consulting Skills2 SWSContents see OLAT course!
BWI411Data Science4 SWSBWI411
BWI421Web Applications4 SWSBWI421
BWI431seminars2 SWSBWI431
BWI441English III - Business Knowledge2 SWSBWI441
BWI442Soft Skills III - Business Ethics2 SWSBWI442
BWI501Information Security2 SWSBWI501
BWI502Information Management2 SWSBWI502
BWI511Digital Business4 SWSBWI511
BWI521Internship Application Systems2 SWSBWI521
BWI531Business Intelligence4 SWSBWI531
BWI541ERP Systems4 SWSBWI541
BWI542SCM Systems2 SWSBWI542
BWI551English for IT2 SWSBWI551
BWI600internship  13 weeksBWI600
BWI610Thesis10 weeksBWI610

The Bachelor's degree program - Business Informatics - is admission-free. In accordance with the current examination regulations, anyone who has a qualification for university entrance within the meaning of Section 65 (1) and (2) HochSchG and has not lost the right to take examinations for this degree program is entitled to study. You can find a detailed description of which educational certificates entitle you to a Bachelor's degree in Business Informatics here.

For the application please click here!

Application period summer semester:

The current application deadlines can be found on the StudierendenServiceCenter (SSC) page.

Application period winter semester:

The current application deadlines can be found on the StudierendenServiceCenter (SSC) page.

In addition, you will also find EVERYTHING about the application on the pages of the SSC!