Promotion of research at university and department
The university and faculty promote research in various ways. The university's Center for Research and Cooperation provides its own information on this.
On request, the research officer and the research assistant of the department offer to advise the academic staff of the department with regard to funding, applications, technical support and other matters.
A strategy group for research accompanies the realization of the research concept and in particular the further development of supporting structures at the department. It may later be transferred to a formal research committee of the department.
The teaching staff and the department's Research Ethics Committee are responsible for ethical issues in research.
The faculty has implemented a set of regulations for research semesters in accordance with the state's university teaching regulations. Research semesters are regularly applied for, carried out and interesting research results are achieved. For the implementation or management of externally funded research projects, a leave of absence of two to four semester hours per week can be granted for full-time education staff upon request.
The department also organizes regular events for the exchange of information on research projects, results and methods: the Teaching Research Day, the Research Day and the Methods Workshop. You can find more information here.
In the area of promoting young academics, the department aims to facilitate access to study and doctoral scholarships. Further information is available here for those interested in doing a doctorate in social work, nursing education, nursing and midwifery.
Technical support
To support research activities, the university provides free access to various softwares. Further information is available here.
Numerous databases can be used by university members free of charge. Further information is available here.
A limited number of recording devices, video cameras, cameras, foot pedals, f4/f5 transcript licenses, and other resources can be borrowed by students and staff at the department's service office.