The project on which these publications are based was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the funding code 16OH21009 (1st funding phase) and 16OH22009 (2nd funding phase). respectively. The responsibility for the content of the publications lies with the authors.
Gold, Andreas W.; Römer, Clara; Dallmann, Hans-Ulrich (2020): University continuing education as a meaningful component of the academization of nursing - A critical plea. In: Nursing & Society 25 (4), pp. 350-357.
Arnold, Doris; Gold, Andreas W. (2020): The contribution of scientific education programs as a response to care needs in outpatient care. In: Matthias Rohs, Hans-Ulrich Dallmann and Hans-Joachim Schmidt (eds.): Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Region. Demand-oriented offer development for new target groups. Bielefeld: wbv, pp. 193-208. download
Dürrschmidt, Dorit; Gold, Andreas W.; Römer, Clara; Dallmann, Hans-Ulrich (2020): Higher education programs for community-based health care. In: Matthias Rohs, Hans-Ulrich Dallmann and Hans-Joachim Schmidt (eds.): Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Region. Demand-oriented offer development for new target groups. Bielefeld: wbv, pp. 145-157. download
Gold, Andreas W.; Dürrschmidt, Dorit; Römer, Clara; Dallmann, Hans-Ulrich (2020): Blended learning approaches in higher education continuing education for experienced nurses - experiences from the EB sub-project Nursing and Health. In: Matthias Rohs, Hans-Ulrich Dallmann and Hans-Joachim Schmidt (eds.): Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Region. Demand-oriented offer development for new target groups. Bielefeld: wbv, pp. 253-269. download
Römer, Clara; Gold, Andreas W.; Dürrschmidt, Dorit; Dallmann, Hans-Ulrich (2020): Scientific continuing education as support for academization in nursing. In: Matthias Rohs, Hans-Ulrich Dallmann and Hans-Joachim Schmidt (eds.): Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Region. Demand-oriented offer development for new target groups. Bielefeld: wbv, pp. 43-60. download
Rohs, Matthias; Dallmann, Hans-Ulrich; Schmidt, Hans-Joachim (eds.) (2020): Continuing academic education and the region. Demand-oriented offer development for new target groups. Bielefeld: wbv. Download
Römer, C., Gold, A. W., Dürrschmidt, D., Götzelmann, A. & Dallmann, H.-U. (2020): Testing and evaluation of the certificate course: Interprofessional communication in community-based health care.Working and research reports from the projectEB - Education as an exponent of individual and regional development (39), Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Römer, C., Gold, A. W., Dürrschmidt, D., Löser-Priester, I. & Dallmann, H.-U. (2019): Testing and evaluation of the certificate course: Beraten, Informieren und Schulen in der Pflege.Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte aus dem ProjektEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung (38), Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Gold, A. W., Dürrschmidt, D. & Dallmann, H.-U. (2019): Testing and evaluation of the certificate course: Ethics and law in community-based health care.Working and research reports from the projectEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung (37), Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Dürrschmidt, D., Gold, A. W., Berkemer, E. & Dallmann, H.-U. (2019): Testing and evaluation of the certificate course: Care strategies and psychosocial support for living with dementia at home.Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte aus dem ProjektEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung (36), Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Gold, A. W.; Römer, C.; Helbig, A. K.; Arnold, D. (2018): Four certificate courses from the projectEB - Pflege und Gesundheit. Demand-oriented scientific further education for outpatient care. Spektrum, Journal of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (27), 60-63. download
Dürrschmidt, D.; Arnold, D. (2018): Reconstruction of needs for the expansion of community-based nursing practice, based on expert interviews with family caregivers, general practitioners, representatives of nursing associations and university lecturers. Working and research reports from the projectEB - Education as an exponent of individual and regional development (33). Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Arnold, D.; Gold, A. W. (2018): Participatory research for the implementation of extended community-based care practice, conceptualization of a participatory research and development project. Working and research reports from the projectEB - Education as an exponent of individual and regional development (32). Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Römer, C.; Simsa, C.; Arnold, D. (2018): The certificate course "Interprofessional communication in community-based health care", Evidence-based and demand-oriented development of the educational offer. Working and research reports from the projectEB - Education as an exponent of individual and regional development (31). Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Römer, C.; Löser-Priester, I.; Gold A. W.; Dürrschmidt D.; Arnold, D. (2018): The certificate course "Advising, informing and training in nursing", evidence-based and demand-oriented development of the educational offer. Working and research reports from the projectEB - Education as an exponent of individual and regional development (30). Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Gold, A. W.; Helbig, A. K.; Römer, C.; Arnold, D. (2018): The certificate course "Care strategies and psychosocial support for living with dementia at home", Evidence-based and demand-oriented development of the educational offer. Working and research reports from the projectEB - Education as an exponent of individual and regional development (29). Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Helbig, A. K.; Poppe, S.; Gold, A. W.; Steuerwald, T.; Arnold, D. (2018): Higher education programs for extended nursing care in the outpatient sector, results of quantitative studies among nurses, nursing service managers and general practitioners from the West Palatinate region. Working and research reports from the projectEB - Education as an exponent of individual and regional development (28). Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Gold, A. W.; Arnold, D.; Dallmann, H.-U. (2018): The certificate course "Ethics and law in community-based healthcare". Evidence-based and needs-oriented development of the training program. Working and research reports from the projectEB - Education as an exponent of individual and regional development (27). Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Helbig, A. K., Poppe, S., Gold, A., Steuerwald, T.; Arnold, D. (2018): Nursing students and their preferences regarding continuing academic education - Results of an online survey among students of nursing-related degree programs at Rhineland-Palatinate colleges and universities, Working and research reports from the projectEB - Education as an exponent of individual and regional development (15). Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Schwikal, A.; Helbig, A. K.; Bächle, M. (2017): Different life situations and needs as impulses for the further development of study programs - challenges of younger and older students in contrast. In: Buß, I.; Pohlenz, P.; Rahn, P.; Erbsland, M. (eds.). Opening up universities: Impulses for the further development of study programs (277-313). Springer VS: Wiesbaden.
Scheipers, M.; Arnold, D. (2017). Reconstruction of needs for the expansion of community-based nursing practice based on expert interviews with management, nursing service managers and nursing staff of outpatient nursing services, work and research reports from the projectEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung (15). Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Feiks, A.; Arnold, D. (2017): Grundlagen der Angebotsentwicklung - Teilprojekt Pflege und Gesundheit der Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte aus dem ProjektEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung (13). Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Feiks, A. (2017): Actual status survey on the training and further education offer and the need for skilled workers in the field of nursing and health, work and research reports from the projectEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung (11), Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Feiks, A.; Helbig, A. K.; Scheipers, M.; Steuerwald, T.; Arnold, D. (2017): Extended community-based care practice in the Western Palatinate. Perspectives on the needs and acceptance of different stakeholders. Spectrum, (1), 18-22. download
Helbig, A. K.; Steuerwald, T.; Arnold, D. (2017): Demand-oriented design of higher education programs for an extended community-based nursing practice - First results of the quantitative studies of the sub-project "Nursing and Health", Working and research reports from the projectEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung (10), Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. Download
Schwikal, A.; Helbig, A. K.; Steuerwald, T. (2017): Recording requirements for the target group-oriented design of higher education programs. Working and research reports from the projectEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung (8), Kaiserslautern: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern. Download
Arnold, D.; Feiks, A.; Helbig, A. K.; Scheipers, M.; Steuerwald, T. (2016): Extended community-based care practice in the Western Palatinate? A research and development project. Spectrum, (2), 52-53. download
Geithner, L.; Arnold, D.; Feiks, A.; Helbig, A. K.; Scheipers, M.; Steuerwald, T. (2016). Advanced Nursing Practice - Rahmenbedingungen in Deutschland und Literaturübersicht zu nationalen und internationalen Modellen erweiterter Pflegepraxis, Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte aus dem ProjektEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung (4), Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. download
Presentations/ Posters
Arnold, D.; Gold, A. W. (2019): Results from the workshops on the implementation of extended community-based care practice. Interim results of the joint project E to the power of B - actors, approaches and opportunities. 15.10.2019, Kaiserslautern. download
Dürrschmidt, D.; Römer, C.; Gold, A. W. (2019): Higher education for community-based care - structural framework conditions and implementation in the E to the power of B project. Interim assessment of the joint project E to the power of B - actors, approaches and opportunities. 15.10.2019, Kaiserslautern. Download
Römer, C.; Gold, A. W.; Helbig, A. K.; Arnold, D. (2018): Evidence-based and needs-oriented development of an educational program on "Care strategies and psychosocial support for living with dementia at home". Gerontology and Geriatrics Congress 2018, 06.-08.09.2018, Cologne.
Dürrschmidt, D.; Arnold, D. (2018): Demand-oriented development of a tutoring program to accompany scientific certificate courses for experienced nurses. Lernwelten 2018 - 18th international scientific congress for nursing and health pedagogy, 30.08.-01.09.2018, Basel. download
Gold, A. W.; Römer, C.; Arnold, D. (2018): Needs-oriented and evidence-based development of educational programs for community-based health care. Lernwelten 2018 - 18th International Scientific Congress for Nursing and Health Education, 30.08.-01.09.2018, Basel. download
Römer, C.; Dürrschmidt, D.; Helbig, A.K.; Scheipers, M.; Arnold, D. (2018): Needs-oriented development of an educational program on interprofessional communication in outpatient health care. Forschungswelten - 9th international scientific congress for nursing and health research. 19-20.04.2018, St. Gallen. Download
Arnold, D. (2017): ProjectEB - Nursing and Health 2014 to 2020. Event "Scientific education for extended nursing practice: certificate offers from the projectEB - Nursing and Health", 24.11.2017, Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Download
Helbig, A. K.; Scheipers, M.; Dürrschmidt, D.; Römer, C.; Gold, A. (2017): From the need from practice to the certificate at the university - Four certificate offersEB. Event "Scientific education for extended nursing practice: Certificate offers from the projectEB - Nursing and Health", 24.11.2017, Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Download
Schneider, J.; Helbig, A. K.; Dürrschmidt, D.; Scheipers, M. (2017): "Studying nursing and working in nursing" - Perspectives on the organization of the compatibility of study and work in the projects PRAWIMA (Dresden) andEB (Ludwigshafen am Rhein). Event "Wissenschaftliche Bildung für erweiterte Pflegepraxis: Zertifikatsangebote aus dem ProjektEB - Pflege und Gesundheit", 24.11.2017, Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Download
Arnold, D.; Römer, C.; Gold, A. (2017): Implementing extended community-based care in practice. Event "Wissenschaftliche Bildung für erweiterte Pflegepraxis: Zertifikatsangebote aus dem ProjektEB - Pflege und Gesundheit", 24.11.2017, Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Download
Helbig, A. K.; Scheipers, M.; Feiks, A.; Römer, C.; Steuerwald, T.; Arnold, D. (2017): GPs' views on advanced nursing practice in the community setting - results of quantitative and qualitative surveys. 4th International Advanced Practice Nursing & Advanced Nursing Practice Congress, 07.-08.09.2017, Freiburg im Breisgau. Download
Arnold, D. (2017): Advanced or Expanded Nursing Practice? Discussion of an "in-between-solution" for the need of new nursing roles in community nursing in rural areas in Germany. 4th International Advanced Practice Nursing & Advanced Nursing Practice Congress, 07.-08.09.2017, Freiburg im Breisgau. download
Helbig, A. K.; Steuerwald, T. (2017): Students' wishes and needs regarding higher education courses - results of an online survey in nursing-related degree programs in Rhineland-Palatinate. Event "Extended Nursing Practice in the Western Palatinate: First Results of the Needs Survey", 31.03.2017, Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Download
Scheipers, M.; Helbig, A. K.; Steuerwald, T. (2017): Context, need and design of higher education continuing education for extended nursing practice - results of qualitative and quantitative studies among nursing professionals and nursing service managers/managing directors of outpatient nursing services. Event "Extended nursing practice in the Western Palatinate: First results of the needs assessment", 31.03.2017, Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Download
Feiks, A. (2017): Extended community-based nursing practice - possible demand-oriented qualification scenarios for the West Palatinate region. Event "Extended care practice in the Western Palatinate: First results of the needs assessment", 31.03.2017, Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Download
Steuerwald, T.; Helbig, A. K.; Arnold, D. (2017): Innovative development of higher education programs for extended nursing practice. ForschungsWelten - 8th International Scientific Congress for Applied Nursing and Health Research, 02.-03.03.2017, Trier.
Schwikal, A.; Helbig, A. K.; Bächle, M. (2017): Different life situations as impulses for the further development of study programs - challenges of younger and older students in contrast. Workshop "Open universities: Impulses for the further development of study programs", 23-24.02.1017, Ludwigshafen am Rhein.
Arnold, D.; Feiks, A. (2016): Educational concept and model project on Advanced Nursing Practice. Congress Nursing 2016, 22-23.01.2016, Berlin. Download
Arnold, D. (2015): Possibilities and limits of the use of advanced practice nurses in rural healthcare. Gesundheitsökonomische Gespräche, Fachbereich Management, Controlling, Health Care, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, 16.10.2015, Ludwigshafen am Rhein.
Arnold, D.; Geithner, L. (2015): Advanced Nursing Practice in the Western Palatinate Good Practice Criteria and Scenarios of Advanced Nursing Practice for the Region. 3rd International Congress Advanced Practice Nursing & Advanced Nursing Practice, 04.-05.09.2015, Munich.
Feiks, A.; Arnold, D.; Geithner, L.; Scheipers, M. (2015): Advanced Nursing Practice in the Western Palatinate: Analysis of the current status with regard to the need for advanced nursing practice. 3rd International Congress Advanced Practice Nursing & Advanced Nursing Practice, 04.-05.09.2015, Munich. Download
Team of theEB project( 2015): "Joint projectEB - Evidence-based university research and service development". International conference of the scientific support, 18-19.06.2015, Berlin. Download
Education and study materials
Wacker, U. (2019): Communication in an interprofessional context. "There is nothing more practical than a good theory!". Studienbriefe aus dem ProjektEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung, Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society.
Lorenz, A. (2019): Guardianship law. Studienbriefe aus dem ProjektEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung, Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society.
Sunder, N; Segmüller, T. (2018): Advising, informing and training in care. Excerpt from the study letter. Study letters from the projectEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung, Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences.
Bär, M. (2018): Assessment and understanding diagnostics. Studienbriefe aus dem ProjektEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung, Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences.
Berkemer, E.; Meyer-Kühling, I. (2018): Challenges in dealing with dementia. Study letters from the projectEB - Bildung als Exponent individueller und regionaler Entwicklung, Ludwigshafen am Rhein: Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences.
Survey instruments
The instruments for the surveys conducted can be found in the appendix of the respective work and research reports.